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Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Day 1

With all the hopes and expectations of our team and supporters, the cycling tour was started at the Hong Kong airport on 18 of June. It was a quite long flight about 14 hours and most of us had never had this sort of experience. Then the time was urgent between two flights, flight to London and to Edinburgh, because of the delay of the first flight. Generally, the whole process that could be described as safe and progressive, meant a good start of the tour.With all the hopes and expectations of our team and supporters, the cycling tour was started at the Hong Kong airport on 18 of June. It was a quite long flight about 14 hours and most of us had never had this sort of experience. Then the time was urgent between two flights, flight to London and to Edinburgh, because of the delay of the first flight. Generally, the whole process that could be described as safe and progressive, meant a good start of the tour.

Day 2

After, arriving at Edinburgh we visited Napier University with the guide of two business professors, who took us around the business campus and had a seminar with us about our cycling tour, local cultures and future plan. From this visit, the good academic cooperation between UK and HK can be saw and we had felt the practical attitude from the assiduous atmosphere. Then in the afternoon, we went to visit the university of Edinburgh and the downtown around it. Meaningful experiences about education were carried out by that day  and hospitalities from the students can clearly be felt. Fortunately, the jet lag was not seriously influencing us.

Day 3

Today, we began at the national museum of Scotland in the morning. Many kinds of collections from all over the world are in the little museum. The architecture of the inner museum and the setting are very appealing. From here many Scottish histories can be found. After that we took the train from Edinburgh via Carlisle to Dumfries. On the gentle afternoon, we met Esther and Warren at Galloway cycling shop. Each of us had got the bike suitable and ready to cycle tomorrow. Then we wondered along river beside the town and backed to childhood in mini park with many funny facilities. By past the 6 o’clock, people are rarely sawon streets, that is quite different from Hong Kong.

Day 4    

Cycling Distance: 20 miles

Accumulated distance: 20miles

We started cycling on road today! From Dumfries to Castle Douglas we experienced hundreds of rolling hills that are common in the next of few days. We are feeling confident mentally and physically, if we were not being on that road. An ache started to come out from legs when we continued to ride with efforts. Only looking at the distance, 20 miles, you will not feel there is great difficulties to finish it, but as you actually ride on road, that is totally different. Generally, the landscape of national cycling road is very wonderful and cows or sheep can be easily spotted.

Day 5   

Cycling Distance: 19 miles

Accumulated distance: 39 miles

Today we continued chasing our distance by touring around Castle Douglas. Before, downing to Palnackie we visited Threave Garden, that is containing many kinds of plants and some handmade gifts shops. Then, we had lunch, that is flavourful soup with bread, in the restaurant located in Palnackie. We finished today’s tour backing to Castle Douglas via Dalbeattie. From the terrain we can see the height is about half less than yesterday, that gives a period for us to relax muscles.

Day 6

Cycling Distance: 9.3 miles     

Accumulated distance: 48.3 miles

Cycling 9.3 miles away from Castle Douglas then we arrived at Kirkcudbright. In the central of Kirkcudbright, we had the chance to visit a local farmers’ market, which is consisted of several Scottish food, drinks and dessert shop tents. The old gentleman we meeting in that was so generous when he decided to give us 18 pies for free. That kind of sincere hospitality really shocked and moved us. We finished the day by visiting the local art museum. In the afternoon, we met Chris, the owner of the Selkirk Arms Hotel. The chefs helped us reheat the pies and made us a delicious tomato soup. Thanks to people. who we met at Kirkcudbright, had given us a nice day.

Day 7

Cycling Distance: 12 miles     

Accumulated distance: 60.3 miles

Today we were invented by Solway Coastwise coastal ranger Nic Coombey to do a beach clean at Brighouse Bay with Warren. We cycled for 6 miles and reached our distination at noon. After a qiuck simple lunch, our work began. Totoly 19 people work for about 3 hour, gather about 12 package of the rubbish included platic bottles and cases, dobbers, hemp rope. We gussed that the reason why the beach was covered by these trash is that this This is where the rivers meet and rivers bring the bottles to the beach. Everthing human beings litter to the nature will exsit someplace. What we do today is trying to remedy.

Day 8

Cycling Distance: 21.6 miles     

Accumulated distance: 81.9 miles


Before dawn, we group a team to visit a forest near the town to appreciate the stars but the practice is that we realize that light is so important for our human. The truth was that the sky in the Scottish summer is too light to watch the stars but enough for us to trap in the dark. Because of the activity, we started our tour a little bit late than the other day. Maybe because of the bad rest in the last day night, the journey is not so ideal. Our team was divided into two-part when we cycled through a sharp bend and one was cycled in wrong way……

In conclusion, the main impression was that what a tired day rather than beautiful cattle and beach.

Day 9

Cycling Distance: 33.2 miles     

Accumulated distance: 115.1miles


Time went so fast, there were only three days left, today we should leave Kirkcudbright back to Castle Douglas where we rent our bikes. Today, we cycled for totally 31 miles, it was the longest train in our 13 days tour. When we arrived at our hostel, everyone is too tired to do anything. We need a break.

Day 11

Cycling Distance: 21.8 miles     

Accumulated distance: 136.9miles

After a whole day to adjust ourselves and break, we began our last day for cycling. Today we cycled to Lockerbie, but the laughable irony was that we left our coach behind during the final round to Lockerbie, we were all quite amused about it. I remember we stopped at Castle Loch (a lake), we took a rest and laid on a jetty and enjoyed the vast body of water with swans swimming. However, in the way back to our hostel, we used a new inner tube to recover the bike which had tire punctured depending on our teamwork. The last and most forgettable cycling day.

Day 12

After finishing our cycling trip yesterday, we should be on the back trip. The whole morning, we spent our time on the bus, from a bus station to another and we arrived at Annadale Distillery and visit the distillery and have a deeper knowledge about Scottish barley-bree culture. Finishing the time in Annadale, we came into the train to Edinburg. When we arrived, it was the night

Day 13

The last day we stay in Scotland, we visit the Edinburg Cattle which is a huge museum for the Scottish history and war museum in the morning and then we walked around in the city individually.

See you Scotland.

what I learn on this trip

1. Julian:  it is far better to render people in your care competent than to protect them 幫你所關心的人學會自立好過保護他們

2. Anthony: Don’t be self-centered and stop making excuses. 不该以自我为中心,更不能拖团队的后腿。

3.Billy: When working as a team, one’s problem could become a team.  Thus, one needs to be well prepared so the team does not need to carry his burden. 一个团队中,一个人的问题会成为整个团队的问题,所以个人要做好充分的准备,不要成为团队的累赘。

4. Penny: It’s better for us to know the history or culture of the place we are going to visit than to do sightseeing blindly. 旅行前对一个城市没有充分的了解,再多的观赏都是走马观花。

5.Roy: I truly feel and understand the pressure of the leader when I was riding in the front and leading the whole cycling team. If I got any mistake, everyone suffered because of me. 行事不要讓全隊人也要跟你受苦!

6.Harley: As a team member cannot only focus on me. I learned don't be a self-centered person and more take care of the other team members.不要成為自我中心的人以及照顧其他隊員

7.May: Clear logic is useful in chaos, think more for a moment can save people much time. 在混乱中用清晰的逻辑进行思考可以节约很多时间


8.Helena: I’ve learned that it is important to do a more little bit, think more, and the result could be more perfect than ever. 做多10%的收穫可能會多過10%


9.Tony: Watch your behavior and don't embarrass the people you care about 注意自己的行为举止,不要让你在乎的人感到羞耻和尴尬


10.Charlotte: Planning is the initial step to make things happen. No planning and preparation will end up to No Man’s Land. This theory applies to travels, career articulation and life in the future. 

11.Moses: In the teamwork, we are supported to find solutions rather than only worry about the bad things.   团队合作时,应寻求解决问题的方法而不是仅仅担忧。

12. Vincent: I realized the importance of taking care of others. When it comes to teamwork, I must understand well of my position before I try to help the others. As we are a team, when my teammates are in trouble, everyone is responsible for the problems and find solutions.

13. Carter: I have learned how to accept the failure and treat it as a motivation. “Failure is the mother of success.” Each time when I face failure, it doesn’t make me I am a loser, it makes closer to the success and makes the success tastes sweeter!

14. Donald: I learned to be compromise and flexibility. Those elements are important to work as a team, especially for my future career and personal life.
我學懂要妥協和靈活變通. 這些元素對於一個團隊是非常重要. 這也對我的未來職場和個人生活同樣重要.

15. Roy: I truly feel and understand the pressure of the leader when I was riding in the front and leading the whole cycling team. If the one in the front got any mistake, everyone suffered. 不要辜負隊友毫無保留的信任,無論有多危險或是帶著他們走錯路,隊友都義無反顧一起走,所以帶頭的要保持警醒,否則你就對不起他們對你的信任了

16. Russell: Be sensitive to your surrounding and always put ourselves into other’s shoes so as to avoid disturbance to others which in turns may make your team shame. 對身邊的事物要有警覺性及多易地而處,不然會對別人造成騷擾而令自己及其隊伍羞恥

17. Sunny:When you make a decision, don’t be controlled by emotion and assumptions, just a fact should be considered.

18. Jasper: When a mistake happens, the good way to correct it is understanding why I will do the mistake rather than blaming others. It is difficult to admit the mistake, but it is the best way to correct my behavior. 


19. Julian-2: when we cooperate and cover each other’s weaknesses, an everyday acts heroism that is a rule, rather than an exception.  It is an on-going miracle of fortitude and perseverance.  我們的互相扶持是件英勇的正常生活方式,不是鮮有地意外, 連續不斷發生的常規奇蹟。

©2019 Julian Liew and 21 members of this tour. All Rights Reserved. Information and photos on this website are proprietary and are not to be used for commercial or any money making purposes. Individuals who wish to use any of these for non-commercial purposes, please acknowledge the source of this website.
This activity, supported by the Division of Business, UOW College Hong Kong, is a student-led and managed adventure served to enrich quality campus life and enable whole person development.

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